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Iwona Wilson

Why Opportunity Framing Workshops Are Key to Project Success.

Project planning discussing their next big project and how to increase their success rate.
Why Opportunity Framing Workshops Are Key To Project Success?

In complex projects, getting everyone aligned early on is one of the most critical factors for success. Opportunity framing workshops are designed to do just that—bring together key stakeholders, clarify the objectives, and define the project scope in a way that sets the foundation for decision-making and future progress.

These workshops are not just a planning tool; they are essential for uncovering risks, identifying opportunities, and aligning the team’s focus before the project begins.

Whether in the oil and gas, mining industries, or even in our personal lives, opportunity framing is key to driving successful outcomes by focusing on front-end loading (FEL) and finding the right solution first.

The Importance of Framing in Oil and Gas

In the oil and gas industry, projects are inherently complex, long-term, and involve multiple stakeholders. Imagine a scenario where a company is planning to develop a new offshore oil field. The technical team sees the opportunity as a huge win in terms of potential output, but the environmental team is concerned about the risks to marine life, and the financial team is worried about the budget. If these differing perspectives are not aligned early on, the project risks significant delays, cost overruns, or even failure.

This is where an opportunity framing workshop, integrated with front-end loading, comes in. Front-end loading (FEL) refers to the process of thorough planning and scoping early in the project lifecycle. FEL helps the team define project scope, budget, and risks before moving forward with execution. The workshop allows for detailed discussions about the scope, risks, stakeholders and assumptions to ensure that every aspect is considered.

The goal here is not just to get the project started but to find the right solution first—the best approach that balances technical, financial, environmental considerations as well as organizational goals. 

During the workshop, participants can raise issues like environmental regulations, budget constraints, and technical challenges. By framing the opportunity early and using FEL principles, the team can decide whether to move forward, how to mitigate risks, and what success will look like. The result is a clear, agreed-upon path that everyone is committed to, with a significantly reduced chance of encountering major issues down the line.

Participants engaging in the opportunity framing workshop sharing their ideas and raising concerns
Opportunity Framing Workshop

In one real-life example, a global oil company avoided a potential over a million dollar loss by holding an opportunity framing workshop before finalizing their investment decision on a new drilling project. During the session, the team identified critical risks that had previously been overlooked, and by reframing the opportunity through FEL, they were able to adjust the project scope and avoid disaster, thus ensuring they found the right solution before moving forward.

How Framing Can Prevent Project Failure in Mining

Similarly, in the mining industry, opportunity framing and FEL are crucial for projects that require significant capital investment and face long-term environmental and social impacts. Take, for instance, a new lithium mining project that spans several countries. The challenge in this case is that the regulatory environments differ, and the local communities may have concerns about land use and environmental degradation.

Without an opportunity framing workshop and strong front-end loading, misunderstandings or conflicting objectives can easily arise. For example, the operations team might prioritize production output, while local stakeholders might prioritize minimizing environmental damage. By conducting an opportunity framing workshop, the mining company can bring together these different groups to align on priorities, assess risks, and find the right solution early—before costly execution begins.

In one case, a mining company framed their opportunity to expand operations in a highly regulated environment by including voices from community leaders, environmental experts, and government representatives in the early stages of the project.

By integrating FEL into the framing process, they were able to assess multiple potential solutions and choose the path that satisfied all parties involved. This allowed them to address concerns upfront, ensuring that the project had the support it needed to move forward. As a result, the company reduced delays, improved local relations, and delivered the project under budget.

Front-End Loading in Personal Life: Why It Matters

Opportunity framing and FEL don’t just apply to large industrial projects; they can be incredibly useful in personal decision-making as well. Imagine you’re deciding whether to move to a new city for a job opportunity. The financial benefits may be great, but what about the impact on your family? Will the move improve your quality of life, or will it introduce new challenges like a longer commute or adjusting to a new social environment?

In this scenario, an opportunity framing session with your family can be helpful. FEL in this context means taking the time to thoroughly analyze all aspects before making a decision. You can lay out the potential benefits (better job, higher salary) and the potential downsides (uprooting from friends, cost of living). By discussing these factors openly and looking for the right solution first, you can ensure that everyone’s concerns are heard and align on a decision that works for everyone.

Let’s say your spouse is worried about the kids’ adjustment to a new school, while you’re focused on career advancement. Framing this decision together and assessing all options (e.g., researching schools in the new area, evaluating commute times) can help clarify the most important factors. Perhaps finding a neighborhood with good schools becomes the top priority, balancing both personal and professional goals. By framing the opportunity and front-loading the decision-making process, you ensure that the move is thoroughly thought through and is the best solution for the entire family.

Why Opportunity Framing and FEL Are Crucial for Project Success

So, why are opportunity framing and front-end loading so crucial for the success of a project? Here are some key reasons:

  1. Clarifies Objectives: Opportunity framing ensures that everyone understands what the project is trying to achieve. Without clear objectives, team members can make assumptions, leading to misalignment and project failure. Framing workshops create clarity from the start, avoiding confusion later on.

  2. Uncovers Risks Early: Front-end loading and opportunity framing allow for early risk identification. In both the oil and gas and mining examples, framing workshops helped teams identify risks that might have been missed, enabling them to adjust the project plan and avoid costly mistakes.

  3. Aligns Stakeholders: With multiple departments, external partners, and stakeholders involved in complex projects, alignment can often be a challenge. Opportunity framing workshops ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page and committed to the same goals.

  4. Finds the Right Solution First: Through thorough front-end loading, framing workshops enable teams to evaluate all potential solutions and choose the right one before any costly execution work begins. This approach prevents costly changes and delays down the line.

  5. Sets the Foundation for Success: By framing the opportunity and defining success early on, you set the stage for clear decision-making throughout the project lifecycle. The project is not just activity-driven but decision-driven, ensuring that milestones and deliverables align with the project's ultimate goals.

Opportunity framing, when combined with front-end loading, is not just a project management tool—it’s a strategic necessity. Whether you’re developing a new oil field, expanding a mining operation, building a new hospital, or making a personal life decision, framing the opportunity gives you the clarity, alignment, and structure needed to find the right solution first and make informed decisions. The benefits of these workshops extend far beyond the initial planning phase, helping teams and individuals avoid risks, achieve alignment, and ultimately succeed in their objectives.

Contact us to discuss how we can help frame your next opportunity and set your project up for success. We also run in-house training and assist with implementing this crucial process, ensuring your team has the tools and alignment needed for success.

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